We’ve done stained glass projects before – a Veggie Tales one, and I love the idea of using clear contact paper to stick the frame on, then putting the tissue paper right onto it. We decided on a Nativity stained glass. No mess with glue, and it looks great. We ran out of contact paper to go on top, so I just used strips of packing tape. It seemed to work. I was inspired by this pin. Hers was a beautiful silhouette, but somewhat intricate, so I simplified it a bit.
The boys had a great time doing this, and it was really good for their fine-motor skills. Make sure that they fill all the empty spaces with colour.
A simple, yet beautiful nativity stained glass craft!
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Jenn vanOosten
I live in Hamilton, Ontario, and love my city. I'm a Netflixer, choral music geek, bookworm, inventor of recipes (I take Artistic Licence on EVERYTHING that I make), wife of one, mother of two, and owner of a neurotic Schnauzer. I respect people who respect others. I love good food that's well done, but my favourite lunch is KD & hotdogs. With ketchup. I'm addicted to Clearance Shopping. I will ALWAYS get the product that I want at the price that I want, eventually.
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Marya, this is very cool! If I can get my act together in time, I’m going to try it with the boys.
Thanks for a great idea.
Julee – let me know how it goes! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Neat idea, plan to do this with my group of Sunday school kids!
Aww, that came out great. It’s so easy to do, too! I love it.
I love this idea! I think I’ll add it to my crafts to do with the kiddos.
Oh, that is cool! It will be so much fun to try this with my son! Thanks for the idea!
That is a super cute idea, and I bet the kids enjoyed doing it. I love how simple it is for the little ones.
What a creative craft 😀 Thanks for sharing it.
Nice DIY project! with the holidays coming up this would look nice in windows.
that’s really creative…thanks for sharing!
We did a stain glass once and it came out looking really good. Yours do as well. I love doing things like this with the kids.
This is beautiful! I love nativities. I think I’ll definitely be doing this with my daughter this year.
I love this idea. The kiddos did a great job on it. I think my son would enjoy doing something like this.
That is so fun and so easy to make for the kids. 🙂 Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Gorgeous! I love stained glass.